Ashton Wood HOA

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General Maintenance & Safety

Good day neighbors, we need your assistance on helping keep our subdivision pristine and safe. We have requested information Gwinnett County for some road maintenance, which we will keep you up to date on. Attempting to get a pothole repaired at Ashton Ridge and Ironwood Briar plus checking to see how we can get on the list for repaving.

In regards to street lights, as you drive around at night in the subdivision, if you notice any street light out, please call Jackson EMC and give them the pole number so that they can come to repair. Call 1-800-462-3691 and select Option 1, then follow the instructions.

Also, please advise all the drivers in your household of the speed limit ( 25 mph ). We have several children in the subdivision now and weather gets warmer, people will be getting out to walk. We have also seen cars passing others as they are driving out. I personally have had one pass me on the left as I was turning left into my driveway.