Yards of the Week Awarded

This posting sees two yard-of-the-week announcements, one for last week, and one for the current week. Due to certain difficulties, the announcement of last week’s winner was not posted here.


Wow! We love Joseph Jankauskas’ yard at 2322 Ironwood Hill Court. It has it all—colorful flowers and lovely trees set in a perfectly green lawn. Congratulations! 


Stately was what came to mind when we first saw David and Wanda Peek’s lovely yard at 2295 Ashton Ridge Drive. Congratulations  for winning Yard of the Week, it’s well deserved

See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yards!

Friendly Reminders

Good neighbors are sure to have their dogs on a leash and under control while out in the neighborhood.  

Please refer to the Gwinnett County Ordinance: 10-71. - Restraint of dogs for further information to make sure you are in compliance.  Here is their link: 


Per the Gwinnett County Animal Control website:

For non-urgent situations such as nuisance barking or lost pets, call the Animal Welfare and Enforcement shelter at 770.339.3200 during shelter operating hours.
For urgent matters such as neglect, mistreatment, or if an animal is behaving in a way that is threatening to the welfare of the community, call 770.513.5700. Neighborhood assistance may be necessary to document ordinance violations if Animal Welfare and Enforcement did not witness the violation.

Occasionally, a resident may receive an orange warning card as notification of a potential Animal Control Ordinance violation or complaint. Whenever possible, opportunities are offered to correct a violation before court action occurs.

Pet owners can be subject to criminal and/or civil legal action if their pet damages property or injures another animal or a human.”
— Per the Gwinnett County Animal Control website

Feel free to program these numbers into your phone.  We want to ensure that all of our neighbors and visitors are safe.

In addition, the Board has received several concerns about vehicles speeding, not stopping at stop signs, and passing slower moving vehicles in our neighborhood.  Please observe and obey these posted signs (25 MPH Speed Limit) and be respectful of other drivers.   

If you need to report a violation, please contact Gwinnett County PD.  

The Board asks that if you have renters, please make them aware of these concerns.  The Board appreciates your help with keeping our neighborhood safe.  

Thank you.

Is Your Pet Missing?

If you have lost a pet, such as a dog or cat, and want to get the word out, quickly, then be encouraged to post on the Facebook page for the Ashton Wood community. While it is not formally associated with the HOA, and the HOA does not control its content, it is an available place you can post to immediately to share information about your lost pet.

That page is also a place for posting and reading news, discussion, and recommendations with your neighbors. It is open to everyone.


We’re all sad that COVID-19 forced us to cancel the 2020 Backyard Tour, however, Mary and Louis Phillips, who posted several beautiful pictures of their backyard on NextDoor inspired us to urge everyone to post pictures of their secret gardens and backyards on the Ashton Wood Neighbors Facebook page.

In past years you may have wanted to invite the tour to your yard but were overwhelmed by thoughts of raking, edging, planting and making sure everything was just perfect so you passed. Well, this is your chance! Take pictures of everything OR just post a picture or two of a favorite plant, yard sculpture, or tree. We would all love to see what you’re hiding back there.

Please join in and invite your Ashton Wood neighbors. Please title your post, you guessed it:

               Virtual Backyard Tour 2020

HOA Board Meetings Continue with Live Online Format

Due to COVID-19 precautions, the regular monthly meetings of the Ashton Wood HOA Board will be hosted online until further notice.  The meeting can be viewed by using the following link:

Ashton Wood HOA Board Meeting 

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. 

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/682283285

The meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month with a start time of 7:00pm, and are open to all HOA members.

Yard of the Week Awarded

So pretty. Myrna and Bill Zimmerman have been awarded Yard of the Week for May 24. Please drive by 2150 Ashton Ridge Drive and admire the beautiful landscaping which enhances our entire neighborhood. I’m sure they would love to see your congratulations on the Ashton Wood Neighbors Facebook page.

See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yard!

Subscribe to receive newsletter and announcements

Our HOA web site is the place to visit to find out about neighborhood news and events. Please be encouraged to check here often for the happenings and announcements of our neighborhood.

If you would like to receive occasional neighborhood announcements and a weekly newsletter delivered to your email box, then please follow the link below and sign up!

Sign Up for Email Announcements and Weekly Newsletter

( https://mailchi.mp/ddf108b8e355/ashtonwoodhoanewslettersignup )

Pool Opening Scheduled for May 23

The Ashton Wood HOA Board is planning to open the pool on Saturday, May 23rd.  However, this date is subject to having additional signage and COVID-19 policies in place.  For this summer, in addition to all the usual pool rules, the following rules will also be required for use of the neighborhood pool.  

1.          Stay home if you are sick!  Please do NOT come to the pool and put others at risk.

2.          Children under 16 must have an adult present to swim.

3.          Pool occupancy is limited to 25 persons.

4.          Pool use is limited to 1 hour IF others are waiting to enter due to occupancy limitations.

5.          Members may have no more than 2 guests.

6.          Use only your own pool toys and avoid contact with the toys of others.  Any pool toys (e.g., pool noodles, goggles, kick boards, etc.) left at the pool will be thrown away.

7.          Sanitize any tables, chairs, handrails, etc. both prior to use and upon exit.  This includes the gate keypad.

8.          Do NOT move/relocate any tables, chairs, or lounge chairs.  They will be positioned to maintain current CDC guidelines for social distancing.

9.          No trash can will be provided this year.  As such, please take all trash with you when you leave.  (Bathroom trash cans are for discarding paper towels.  Do NOT use for other trash disposal.)

10.      No grill is provided this year.  Please do NOT bring your own grill.

The board believes that these policies will help keep people safe as they use the pool.  However, as always, there will be no lifeguard on duty and all members, children, and guests assume both the health and safety risk associated with using the pool during this time.

Please check the web site and/or newsletter next week for further information about the pool opening date.

HOA Board Meetings Continue with a Live Online Format

Due to COVID-19 precautions, the May 11 meeting of the Ashton Wood HOA Board will NOT be held in person as originally scheduled, but will instead be hosted online.  The meeting can be viewed by using the following link:

Ashton Wood HOA Board Meeting 

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. 

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/682283285

The meeting will begin at 7:00pm and is open to all HOA members.

May 1st Discounted Dues Deadline is Here!

The deadline to pay your discounted 2020 HOA dues has been extended to May 1, 2020.  Up until that date, the basic membership is only $85, and the swim/tennis membership is $385.  After May 1, the rates will increase to $90 and $415 respectively.

For those of you who may be holding off on your swim/tennis membership given the concerns over COVID-19, the board has adopted the following policy for 2020.  If the COVID-19 pandemic delays the opening of the pool until mid-summer (early to mid-July) the board will refund one-half of the swim/tennis portion of your membership…or $150 under the discounted rate.  If the board is unable to open the pool at all this year, then the board will refund 100 percent of the swim/tennis portion of your membership…or $300 under the discounted rate.  It is the board’s hope that 1) this will not be the case, and 2) that this policy, if needed, will help to alleviate any uncertainty as you consider joining the HOA this year.