HOA Board Meetings Set for 2020

The board meeting schedule has been set for 2020. All meetings begin a 7 PM :

Jan 13:  2758 Ashton Hill Drive
Feb 10:  2192 Ironwood Ridge Court
Mar 09:  2758 Ashton Hill Drive
Apr 13:   202 Ironwood Ridge Court
May 11:  2205 Ashton Ridge Drive
Jun 08:  2753 Ashton Hill Drive 
Jul 13:  2798 Ashton Hill Drive 
Aug 10:  2215 Ashton Ridge Drive 
Sep 14:  2202 Ironwood Ridge Court 
Oct 12:  2222 Ironwood Ridge Court
Nov 09:  2843 Ashton Hill Dr.
Dec 14:  2192 Ironwood Ridge Court

Annual Meeting Monday, January 13th

All Ashton Wood Residents are invited to attend the annual AWHOA Meeting which is open to all residents. This meeting will be held on Monday, January 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at 2758 Ashton Hill Drive.

The purpose of this meeting is to review the accomplishments of the AWHOA in 2019 and establish goals for 2020. We will also elect board members for 2020, and then they will elect the officers for the year.

Annual Meeting Notice and Dues Invoice

Dues Invoice

The dues invoice is found on the HOA web site. Here is a convenient link for the document.

All Ashton Wood Residents are invited to attend the annual AWHOA Meeting which is open to all residents. This meeting will be held on Monday, January 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at 2758 Ashton Hill Drive.

The purpose of this meeting is to review the accomplishments of the AWHOA in 2019 and establish goals for 2020. We will also elect board members for 2020, and then they will elect the officers for the year.

2020 Membership Drive and Annual Meeting Notice

Dues Invoice

The dues invoice is found on the HOA web site. Here is a convenient link for the document.

Ashton Wood Homeowners Association (AWHOA) 2808 Ashton Hill Drive, Dacula, GA 30019

Memo To: All Ashton Wood Residents November 14, 2019
Subject: 2020 Membership Drive and Annual Meeting Notice

On behalf of the 2019 Board of Directors I want to thank the residents of our neighborhood for all the support they provided during the past year. In 2019, the board took on some major projects for the neighborhood. Specifically, we re-surfaced the pool, installed new pool furniture, upgraded the fencing around the pool, and added two gates that close automatically and have mechanical locks resulting in better security and easier pool access. In addition, we re-painted the signs and pressure washed the brick work at the front entry. Of course, we continue to mow and maintain all the common areas in the neighborhood.

Many of you are “basic” HOA members, and your membership dues fund maintenance of our front entry and other common property, as well as mandatory taxes and insurance. In addition, your dues supported costs associated with our website which is designed to keep everyone current on events in and around our neighborhood (www.ashtonwoodhoa.org).

As mentioned above, those neighbors who opted for the “swim/tennis” membership had access to an upgraded and very well- maintained pool and lighted tennis courts. In addition, the swim/tennis committee hosted a neighborhood-wide party at the beginning of the season to show off our new pool. This year, we had more swim/tennis members than we have had in a very long time and we appreciate the support. The swim/tennis membership fees fully maintain both the pool and tennis courts which are both beneficial to the entire neighborhood. Their availability enhances the property values of every house in Ashton Wood. Now that the pool area has been addressed, the board is turning our attention to the tennis courts, which also need an upgrade.

To continue meeting the common needs of the Ashton Wood Subdivision, we need 1) your financial support in the form of membership dues and 2) periodic support during community workdays to keep our expenses as low as possible. The 2020 AWHOA membership drive has now started, and your support is very much needed and appreciated. Attached is the invoice for 2020 membership. Annual basic membership fees for 2020 will once again remain steady at $90 ($85 if paid on or before April 1, 2020). Full membership, including swim/tennis privileges, is available for $415 ($385 if paid on or before April 1, 2020).

Our neighborhood has 142 homes and the majority support the homeowner’s association either as basic or full members. I hope we will have the support of the entire subdivision in 2020 as all of us benefit from the actions of AWHOA.

You are invited to attend the annual AWHOA Meeting which is open to all residents. This meeting will be held on Monday, January 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at a location to be determined. Make sure to visit the website to get more information as the date approaches. The purpose of this meeting is to review the accomplishments of the AWHOA in 2019 and establish goals for 2020. We will also elect board members for 2020, and then they will elect the officers for the year. Our by-laws allow for a maximum of nine board members and we currently have nine homeowners who have indicated a willingness to serve as Board members in 2020.

A ballot listing the 2020 Board nominees is attached and should be returned by December 9 for final tally and approval. If any additional homeowners are interested in assisting the board as a committee member or in other positions, please notify the Board of your interest via e-mail to hoaboard@ashtonwoodhoa.com.

I sincerely ask that you thoughtfully consider joining the AWHOA in 2020. Your support will help us maintain our status as one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Dacula. Membership is our only source of income so please consider joining as a full member to help maintain the pool and tennis facilities as well as other common community property.


Alfie Meek,
2019 President, AWHOA

Dues Invoice and Board Of Directors Ballot

The dues invoice and nominations ballot for the board of directors are found on the HOA web site. Here are convenient links for these documents.

Bar-B-Q This Saturday at Prospect United Methodist

A neighbor wanted to get the word out about a local church barbecue sales event this Saturday. Here are the details…

Prospect United Methodist Men’s 47th Annual BAR-B-QUE

Saturday, November 9, 2019

11:00 am - 7:00 pm

1549 Prospect Rd., Lawrenceville, GA 770 963-5961

$9.00 per plate

Dine In or Cary Out

Plate includes cory smoked barbecue pork, Brunswick stew, potato chips, bread, & homemade dessert.

Complimentary iced tea for dine-in guests.


Yard of the Week Awarded

Congratulations to Carol and Michael Dobda for winning Yard of the Week. They shared their fabulous backyard during Ashton Wood’s Backyard Tour and now we are delighted to recognize their gorgeous front yard, too.

See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yard, as well as the other honored yards this year!

Yard of the Week recognition ends August 31. Nominate your favorite soon!

Reminder: HOA Member Pool Party Set for August 10th

What better way to celebrate Back to school than one last pool party. Please join us at the HOA Pool Party on Saturday August 10 from 5pm to 9pm for food and fun. It is our way of thanking all of our HOA members for their support this year. Please bring your swimsuits, beverage, and a side dish that you would like to share:-) We will handle the rest!
Thanks again,
HOA Social Committee

Yard of the Week Awarded

Ken and Ann Higgins are our honorees for Yard of the Week. They were nominated by Ashton Wood neighbors and we agree that they should be congratulated on their beautiful yard. Lovely.

See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yard, as well as the other honored yards this year!

Yard of the Week recognition ends August 31. Nominate your favorite soon!

HOA Member Pool Party Set for August 10th

What better way to celebrate Back to school than one last pool party. Please join us at the HOA Pool Party on Saturday August 10 from 5pm to 9pm for food and fun. It is our way of thanking all of our HOA members for their support this year. Please bring your swimsuits, beverage, and a side dish that you would like to share:-) We will handle the rest!
Thanks again,
HOA Social Committee

Yard of the Week Awarded

Congratulations to Billie and Roy Sweat for their beautiful, colorful yard. When their crepe myrtles bloomed and their roses bloomed again, we knew we had to award them yard of the Week.

See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yard, as well as the other honored yards this year!

Yard of the Week recognition ends August 31. Nominate your favorite soon!

Yard of the Week Awarded

Congratulations to David and Sheirlyn Cox on their Yard of the Week win. We all enjoy their beautiful yard as we drive in and out of Ashton Wood each day, and remember their gorgeous backyard from this year’s Backyard Tour.

See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yard, as well as the other honored yards this year!

Yard of the Week recognition ends August 31. Nominate your favorite soon!