Board Nominations Open
/If you wish nominate someone to server, or wish to serve, on the HOA board in the coming year, please let the board know at the Contact page of the HOA web site.
If you wish nominate someone to server, or wish to serve, on the HOA board in the coming year, please let the board know at the Contact page of the HOA web site.
Congratulations to the Kersey family, 2205 Ashton Ridge Drive, for winning Yard of the Week. We love the freshly cut lawn and perfectly selected and groomed bushes and trees. We hope you agree it’s lovely.
See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yards!
We are saddened at the news of the passing of our Ashton Wood neighbor, Janice Penk, this week.
2020-09-16 Update - The Obituary is on the Lawson Funeral home website now:
Due to COVID-19 precautions, the regular monthly meetings of the Ashton Wood HOA Board will be hosted online until further notice. The meeting can be viewed by using the following link:
Ashton Wood HOA Board Meeting
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
The meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month with a start time of 7:00pm, and are open to all HOA members.
Congratulations to Casey and Lee Elliott, 2342 Ironwood Hill CT, who are our Yard of the Week winners. As you can see, their lawn is beautiful and the flowers that grace their beds are gorgeous and colorful. This is truly a well-deserved honor.
See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yards!
Congratulations to Felicia Farrior and Christopher Brown for their beautiful yard at 2859 Ashton Briar Court. Winning Yard of the Week is something this family does regularly and this year is no exception. Please let them know you admire all their hard work.
See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yards!
Congratulations to Jill Stevens for being awarded Yard of the Week. We love her English-style yard, lovely arbor, iron gate, and pretty flowers and blossoming trees. There’s a white picket fence, too. Please walk or drive by 2377 Ironwood Hill Court to see this charming one-of-a-kind surprise at the end of the road.
See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yards!
Congratulations to Susan and Chip Avin who have been awarded Yard of the Week. We hope you’ll drive by and check out their beautiful landscaping and lush green lawn.
See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yards!
The pool will now be open through Sunday, September 20th.
The Yard of the Week competition has been extended through September 27th.
Congratulations to Joyce Wheelis for her very pretty yard at 2788 Ashton Hill Drive, our choice for Yard of the Week! Her crepe myrtles beautifully frame her lovely home and yard and a riot of pretty pink flowers accent the look. We hear her yard is her pride and joy so please add your congratulations.
See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yards!
Congratulations to Regina Ambrose whose lovely yard and colorful plantings at 2850 Ashton Tree CT won her Yard of the Week. Please join us in congratulating her.
See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yards!
Due to COVID-19 precautions, the regular monthly meetings of the Ashton Wood HOA Board will be hosted online until further notice. The meeting can be viewed by using the following link:
Ashton Wood HOA Board Meeting
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
The meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month with a start time of 7:00pm, and are open to all HOA members.
Many of our neighbors are planning events together on the private Facebook page for the Ashton Wood community.
For example, planning for a food truck to make deliveries in August. You may want to check it out!
While the mentioned Facebook page is not formally associated with the HOA, and the HOA does not control its content, it is an available place to share news, discussion, and recommendations with your neighbors. It is open to everyone.
Congratulations to Will and Linda Gossett. Their beautiful yard at 2375 Ashton Ridge Drive has been awarded Yard of the Week for its gorgeous lawn and beautiful plantings.
See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yards!
Congratulations to Claudia and Michael Thomason, 2930 Ironwood Briar Drive, for winning Yard of the Week. It is obvious they have worked very hard on this beautiful space and check out the grass! Again, Congratulations.
See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yards!
Who wouldn’t love Chuck and Yvette Spurlin’s very pretty yard at 2300 Ashton Ridge Drive, which is why we awarded them Yard of the Week. Congratulations!
See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yards!
Due to COVID-19 precautions, the regular monthly meetings of the Ashton Wood HOA Board will be hosted online until further notice. The meeting can be viewed by using the following link:
Ashton Wood HOA Board Meeting
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
The meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month with a start time of 7:00pm, and are open to all HOA members.
Our neighbors in Ashton Wood have been busy sharing with one another and actively planning lots of events together, all on the Ashton Wood Neighbors page on Facebook. You may want to check it out, if interested.
Note: The Ashton Wood Neighbors Facebook page is not affiliated with the HOA, but many of those in the neighborhood participate.
Here is a link to the Facebook page for the Ashton Wood community.
Congratulations to Reba and Robert Burch, 2287 Ironwood Hill CT. Their lovely house on the hill has once again won Yard of the Week for its beautiful landscape and attractive hard scrapes. We hope you’ll drive by and see what they’ve done.
See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yards!
Congratulations to Cindy and Rudy Lonergan, who won Yard of the Week honors for their meticulous, colorful yard. We love the beautiful flowers and perfect plantings. Drive by 2165 Ashton Ridge Drive and enjoy the display.
See the Yard of the Week Gallery on the association web site for a photo of their yards!